Session No.
Date & Venue
Tennis Centre
Sponge Javelin
The basic javelin throw, using layers to help
Task and planning
Coaching points
Grip to javelin tightly. Grip the javelin in the middle of
Layer-Javelin starting on the floor picks the
javelin up how you would hold a grenade.
Stance- The footwork starts with little steps and when you
get closer to throw the javelin bigger steps.
Layer- The layer is charge, increase speed start off slow then
just before you throw the ball you’re fastest.
Take Back- The take back begins the action of the throwing
part of the javelin.
Layer- Start the javelin like an aeroplane but the hand holding
the javelin lower wing and other hand higher wing.
Release- The release of the javelin you need to throw
straight rather than a tennis ball throw, so the action needs more
The javelin follows through up and forward like a telephone position.
Awareness of environment, participants
& equipment issues (health and safety)
4 3 2 1
Safety of the participants was
done really well because of doing a risk assessment. This controlled all
Concern for participants well being
4 3 2 1
First Impressions
Professional Appearance
5 4
3 2 1
I was confidence demonstrating the layers because I had a well
detailed session plan therefore I knew the progress from each layers.
I believe that the session delivery flowed well therefore the
progressions had equal time on each one.
To have more confidence I would have red more about the javelin
throw. E.g. done some research.
5 4
3 2 1
Self Confidence/ Positivism
4 3 2 1
Quality/ Appearance of session plan
5 4
3 2 1
I provided a high quality session plan explaining all about the
layers. Braking down all the coaching points which made it simpler to
Directions were clear about the organisation of the session.
Although the session was basic but it did provided the participants
with new skills.
Skill in organising space, equipment
and groups
5 4
3 2 1
Explanation/ Directions
5 4 3 2 1
Coaching Process
Warm up progression fits topic and
4 3 2 1
Using layers made the practice more creative by using fun terms to
explain the drill.
The participants were all challenged because they hadn’t learnt the
serving before so the level would be at the same. The entire participant’s
would be included.
All the participants were challenged but as they understood the
layers so the level was quite easy but they all learnt something new.
I believe I gave the appropriate amount of feedback, for example I
gave the participant one or two things to focus on (constructive criticism)
rather than out loading their head.
Realism in practises / creativity
4 3 2 1
Ability to diagnose key faults
4 3 2 1
Ensure all players were challenged at
an appropriate level for each individual
5 4
3 2 1
Inclusion of all participants
4 3 2 1
Encourage feedback and illustrated
teaching moments with participants
5 4 3 2 1
Quality of voice and speech habits
4 3 2 1
Because, we were teaching individually I gave quality instructions
but not my voice clear although my voice wasn’t loud and I was clear.
Using demonstrates were really effective because they were new to the
skill so they needed to see slow motion and full speed.
I used more of a democratic style because I needed to demonstrate the
layers so they would have a better understand by seeing it.
Because the session was 1 to 1 it being quite personal so asking them
questions about what they did good and the errors that made.
Effectiveness of instruction
4 3 2 1
Effectiveness of demonstrations
4 3 2 1
Appropriate use of coaching style
4 3 2 1
Interaction and response with group
(eye contact, use of names ect)
5 4
3 2 1
Overall enthusiasm & personality
in session
4 3 2 1
After doing the javelin throw layers session that I think like it went well as each layer was demonstrated and well explained. With this session the organisation wasn’t used much because we focus more on the throw rather than where the javelin goes. The drill helped the participants to repeat the layers which they will be able to consequently. On the other hand when going into the full skill (all layers together) sometimes the timing/rhythm went off for the first few goes. When demonstrating the layers I would have shown the participant 3 demos. 1.) Without the javelin. 2.) Slow motion with the javelin. 3.) Full speed with the javelin. This had a positive affect when the participant was doing it. The reason why this worked well is because most learners learn by seeing demonstrations. This is the democratic style of learning.
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